
Building a custom missions file

On reading the Aerofly FS 4 main.mcf, a few conversions and assumptions are made:


Usage: nodejs index.js [PARAMETERS...]

  -s, --source       Location of the main.mcf
  -t, --target       Location of your target file
      --title        Title of your mission
      --description  Description of your mission; line breaks allowed
  -i, --ils          ILS frequency like '123.45'
  -d, --direction    Initial orientation of aircraft
      --magnetic     Magnetic declination used for waypoints
      --import       Location of an optional TMC, FPL, PLN, FMS or GPX file

  -m  --mission-only Do not export mission list with a single mission,
                     but add mission to already existing file
      --flightplan   Output flightplan
      --skyvector    Output Sky Vector URL
      --geo-json     Save GeoJSON file
      --markdown     Save Markdown file
      --help         This help

This tool may also output a flight plan.

Manual editing

As the generated file is a text file, it can be edited with any kind of text editor. You will have to use manual editing to stitch together a mission file for multiple missions.


If you want to redistribute your mission file, you may want to include these generic installation instructions.

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