
Flight plan output

This tool also allows for outputting a flight plan inferred from your main.mcf.

It uses all information supplied via the custom missions conversion, and adds some extra assumptions:

ORIG  ESSL               DEP   2022-11-23T06:54Z
DSUN  ☼ DUSK @ -2°       DLST  08:09
DEST  ESKN               ARR   2022-11-23T07:19Z
ASUN  ☀ DAY @ 0°         ALST  08:39
WIND  080° @ 10KTS       CLD   ◕ BKN @ 2,000FT
VIS   15,000M / 10SM     FR    VFR
ARCT  PTS2               TAIL  D-EUJS
TAS   152KTS             ALT   2,000FT
>     WPT     FREQ       ALT  DTK   HDG    DIS    ETE
01.   ESSL               172
02.   11                 142  291°  291°   0.6  01:07
03.   W-3051           2,000  058°  060°  11.8  04:59
04.   W-1425           2,000  101°  099°  19.8  08:21
05.   08      111.30     113  020°  023°  22.9  09:24
06.   ESKN               140  079°  079°   0.7  01:20
>    TOT                                 54.8  25:09

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